lunes, 4 de mayo de 1998

FILO-FACTURA © - Versión en inglés


This proposal, which directly raises the "educate effectively for work" and the integral application of the "Conceptual Principles for the planning of the reorganization of Controlled Processes" (February 1988) is based on the "own work systematization" and Knowledge of the "operational driving" of industrial processes. (Program of technical cooperation between the Federal Republic of Germany and the countries of the Andean Group, 1986-1990)

FILO-FACTURA (May 4, 1998)

filofactura (From Greek φίλoς, and from Latin factūra) f. Art that deals with the knowledge of the operative conduction of the accomplishments.// 2.f. School of work.// 3.f. Work done with Love.

FILO-FACTURA (December 29, 1999)

Virtue, disposition and industry that seeks to find out, by the exercise of intellectual faculties; the nature, qualities and relationships of the systematic conduction of the work or thing produced by the understanding, making it real and effective in the attainment of any purpose.
Teaching that is given or acquired and / or that in any way mentions or gives an example and experience regarding the work or thing produced by the understanding.
Which is constructed, produced and driven with affect; by which the true or imaginary will seek for the soul, and it appets to taste it.

FILO-FACTURA (March 1, 2006)

filofactura (From Greek φίλoς, and from Latin factūra) f. Art-Profession that deals with the knowledge of the reality-operative of the integrative work.// 2.f. School of work.// 3.f. Work built with Love.// 4.f. The good adventure of existence.
From the perspective of the industrial sector (May 4, 1998), I move to the educational systems in the universal understanding that it is necessary to "educate for life" (October 12, 2001); In general, raising the levels of competitiveness, involving the participants in the "systematization of their own studies" (knowledge of the operational reality of their own learning), "achievements" (knowledge of the operational reality of integrating work), "affections" (Work built with Love) and "dreams" (The good adventure of existence). This leads me to the formal study of "Psychology" (knowledge of the operational reality of behavior and mental processes).

Copyright (C) JESÚS MORET Y FERRER, 2000

Translated on June 2, 2018.

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